GCSE Performance

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

Click HERE to see the school's performance data. 

GCSE Exam Results 2023

Lockdown hit our Year 11 cohort at a particularly challenging time in their school career and so we were delighted with the resilience they demonstrated to achieve an impressive set of results this year. The DfE announced last year that they would NOT be including any GCSE results attained in Year 10 in their calculations for Attainment 8 or Progress 8 for the 2023 examination cohort of year 11s. Due to our outgoing curriculum model, our year 11 students sat two of their option subject exams at the end of year 10 and this cohort have grades that will not be included in the government calculation of these measures. When this curriculum model was designed, results from GCSE exams taken in year 10 counted in performance tables. The Year 10 grades count for the students and have not disadvantaged them in any way.

Our internal calculation (including these year 10 results) puts our Attainment 8 at 45.5 and our Progress 8 at 0 meaning that students broadly performed as expected based on their prior attainment compared to National benchmarks. 


% 5 or more 9-7 grades (E&M) 11.3%
% of grades 5-9 (E&M) 39.4%
Progress 8  -0.2
Attainment 8 43.9
% of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5) in English and Maths 60%
% of pupils achieving a pass (grade 4) in English and Maths 60.8%
% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate 43%
% of pupils staying in education or employment 95%