Religious Studies/Philosophy And Ethics

  • A Level
  • OCR
  • Entry requirements: GCSE Religious Education Grade 6
  • Goes well with: History, Sociology, Psychology, English and most other subjects

A Religious Studies qualification in Philosophy and Ethics is an excellent training in thinking independently. The questions that Philosophy investigates are the most profound questions that are asked. This course explores what it means to be human. It considers the spiritual dimension and questions whether there is one moral code for all people to live by and whether right and wrong are matters of culture. This course considers questions about the centre and 'heart' of human existence.

Unit 1 - Philosophy of Religion

Ancient philosophical influences, Nature of the soul, Body and mind, Arguments about the existence of God, The nature and impact of religious experiences, The challenge of religious belief about the problem of evil, Ideas about the nature of God, Issues in religious language

Unit 2 – Religion and Ethics

Normative ethical theories, The application of ethical theories to two contemporary issues of importance, Ethical language and thought, Debates surrounding the idea of conscience, Sexual ethics and the influence on ethical thoughts of developments in religious beliefs.

Unit 3 - Development in Christian Thought

Christian beliefs values and teachings, their interconnections and how they vary historically and in the contemporary world, sources of religious wisdom and authority, practices that shape and express religious identity, significant social and historical developments in theology and religious thought, Key themes in the relationship between religion and society

“A Level RE is intellectually challenging and as it covers many other subject areas and the moral issues around them it is relevant and useful in all of my studies. I particularly enjoy exploring different perspectives and making logical arguments, which is a convertible skill.”