
School Uniform aims

Our aims for The Cooper School uniform are that:

  • All students at The Cooper School identify with the school by being proud to wear the school uniform
  • Parents/Carers support the wearing of school uniforms
  • The school supports families by making the uniform requirements straightforward and as affordable as possible
  • The local community recognises our students
  • Students develop a sense of pride in the school and professionalism to prepare them for the world of work

Benefits of having a school uniform are:

  • The differences between students are reduced, which in turn reduces some of the causes of isolation and bullying

  • Self esteem of particular groups of students may be improved

  • Security is improved - it's easy to spot who does and does not belong to the school community

  • Students feel a stronger sense of belonging and commitment to the school

  • It improves the image of the school in the local community

  • It creates a sense of purpose within the school environment

All uniform is available from our online supplier, SWI Schoolwear: https://www.swischoolwear.co.uk/

Ties and badges are available to purchase via your ParentPay Account. Once they have been ordered and paid for they can be collected from the School Office the following day.

Summary Of Key Changes To Uniform 2023/24

At The Cooper School we are committed to ensuring that our school uniform is as easy to obtain and as affordable as possible for all members of the school community. The changes we have put in place for September have been carefully considered with these principles in mind whilst also ensuring that students are identifiable and proud of being part of this school community.


  • All students will be required to wear a plain white shirt to school as part of uniform

  • All students will be expected to wear the school tie.This is the only item which is branded and shows the student to be a member of our school community

  • All students should wear plain black shoes; we have removed the word “polishable” from the previous policy

  • School blazers will remain an optional item

  • PE kit will remain as plain navy blue or TCS branded tops with navy blue or black shorts or sports leggings. Students will still attend school in PE kit on the days they are timetabled for PE lessons
  • During the summer, the school will notify all stakeholders of alterations to the uniform. This will include when jumpers will become an optional item within school and tailored black shorts may replace trousers

  • Requests to vary the uniform, such as for a medical or religious reason, will always be carefully considered. These requests should be made through the Headteacher

Any support required by members of our school community to meet these uniform expectations will continue as we have done in previous years. Please make contact with the relevant year team.


School Uniform details for september 2023

Students must wear the following list of approved uniform items:

  • Plain white collared school shirt 

  • School tie

  • Available to be purchased from the supplier or via ParentPay account and collected from Reception on the following school day

  • Plain black V-necked jumper (no cardigans or hoodies permitted)

  • Plain black skirt or tailored black trousers - full length

  • Trousers must be tailored, no jeans, no denims, no cords, no large pockets on legs of trousers, no leggings, no jeggings 

  • Trousers must be worn around the waist

  • Plain ankle socks or plain black tights

  • Plain black shoes with heel maximum of 5 centimetres/2 inches

  • Shoes must be low heeled: no sling backs, no backless or open toed shoes are allowed

  • No boots of any kind, unless in inclement weather (details below)

Additional information

  • Outdoor coats should not be worn in class

  • No hoodies of any kind 

  • No denim material 

  • No zip up sweatshirts or tracksuit tops

  • No hats should be worn during lessons


  • Trousers must be tailored, no jeans, no denims, no cords, no large pockets on legs of trousers, no leggings, no jeggings

  • Trousers must be worn around the waist

  • Shoes must be low heeled: no sling backs, no backless or open toed shoes are allowed

  • No boots of any kind, unless in inclement weather

  • No training shoes, plimsolls or canvas shoes of any kind or colour are allowed as part of school uniform. Trainers are not to be worn around main school site except for PE lessons but will be allowed at lunchtime when playing football etc on back field

  • Outdoor coats should not be worn in class, no hoodies of any kind, no denim material, no zip up sweatshirts

Jewellery and Makeup

  • Students with pierced ears may wear up to 2 small studs per ear. No more than 5 millimetres in diameter.  (These will need to be removed for PE)

  • A wrist watch may be worn but no other jewellery or piercings are permitted (this includes nose, eyebrow, tongue or other noticeable piercing)

  • Discreet make-up allowed for year groups 7-11

  • Jewellery, including ear jewellery of any description, must not be worn during PE lessons in line with Health and Safety legislation and guidance from Oxfordshire LA

  • Any visible body–piercing must be removed on request.  As most piercings often require a period with a small sleeper in place, we recommend that piercings are only carried out during the longer holiday periods

  • Nail varnish if worn should be of a discreet natural colour. Students should not wear acrylic or false nails to school for health and safety reasons


Physical Education Uniform

Students should wear their PE kit to school on days when they have scheduled practical PE lessons.

  • Plain navy blue T shirt, or TCS branded blue T shirt

  • Plain navy blue Rugby jersey, or TCS branded blue Rugby jersey

  • Plain navy blue jumper without hood, or TCS branded blue jumper

  • Plain navy blue, long shorts, or TCS branded blue, long shorts

  • Plain navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings or TCS branded blue tracksuit bottoms/leggings

  • Plain navy blue long football socks (for use over shin pads)

Additional PE accessories:

  • Gum shield

  • Shin pads 

  • Sport trainers

  • Football boots

Make up, Jewellery and Hair:

  • Students  will need to remove any visible piercings upon request for health and safety reasons e.g. PE lessons. Compliance of these requests is expected

  • A wrist watch may be worn

  • Nail varnish may be worn 

  • Students should not wear acrylic or false nails which compromise their ability to complete work, type or pose a health and safety concern

  • Students should not wear any jewellery which compromises their ability to complete work, type or pose a health and safety concern

  • There are no restrictions on hair length or style at The Cooper School, however, there will be times when long hair must be tied up e.g. PE, Science experiments and in DT lessons. Compliance is expected with these requests






Winter Amendments:

  • During winter months and inclement weather, the school will notify when changes to footwear will be necessary and this will include the wearing of boots for safety reasons

Summer Amendments:

  • During the summer, the school will notify all stakeholders of alterations to the uniform. This will include when jumpers will become an optional item within school and tailored black shorts may replace trousers

Extreme Hot Weather:

  • The school will notify all stakeholders of alterations to uniform during extreme weather events e.g. heatwaves. This will include the option of wearing of PE kit to school even on days when the student does not have a PE lesson

Variations to uniform for religious, cultural or other reasons:

  • Students who wear a headscarf, turbans or other items for religious reasons are permitted to do so as long as the fabric is plain (dark blue, black or white)

  • Requests to vary the uniform, such as for a medical or religious reason, will always be carefully considered. These requests should be made through the Headteacher  

Please note: If any item of clothing, jewellery or anything else related to uniform prevents the ability of a student to take part in standard school activities then this will be deemed inappropriate. 

The Headteacher’s decision is final on all matters relating to uniform.

Dress Code For Sixth Form Students

Students in Years 12 and 13 have the right to wear their own clothes in a responsible way that is appropriate for the school environment as per the guidance in the KS5 Behaviour for Learning Policy.