School Nurse


School Nurse

My name is Hayley Mulcahy and I am the School Health Nurse for The Cooper School. I am a registered Midwife and have a postgraduate degree in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing, specialising in School Nursing.


In Oxfordshire, every secondary school has a named School Health Nurse who is employed by the NHS and based in school. The School Health Nurse offers evidence based preventative health care to young people, with the aim of improving their health and wellbeing, so they can make informed healthy lifestyle choices and reach their full potential.



The School Health Nurse can offer support and advice on the following:

·      Health promotion

·      Emotional health and wellbeing

·      Healthy eating

·      Managing medication in school and specific health conditions

·      Puberty

·      Contraception and sexual health

·      Substance misuse

·      Refer and signpost to specialist services

If we cannot help, we will find someone who can.

To visit our website, click here: School & college health nurses - Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

 The School Nursing service is confidential.  This means we can discuss personal information with young people in confidence and will not discuss it with anyone else without their permission.  However, we would pass on any information that we feel is needed to protect a young person or someone else from serious harm.  Whenever possible this would be discussed with the young person first. 



Immunisations are now covered by the School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) and this team will offer the routine childhood vaccinations which include:

·       Year 8 – HPV cervical cancer 

·       Year 9 – Tetanus /Diphtheria/ Polio booster and Meningitis ACWY

If you have any queries regarding immunisations, please contact SAIS directly here: Contact us - Oxfordshire School Aged Immunisation ServiceOxfordshire School Aged Immunisation Service (


 How to access and make an appointment

Here at The Cooper School, the School Health Nurse is based over in the Phoenix Centre. You can ask to be referred by the Phoenix Centre, Student support Managers, or any other member of staff. You can email SPA at:, alternatively, young people and parents can contact chathealth on 07312263084.


Further Support

·      OXME:

·      Young Minds:

·      Childline: 0800 1111 or

·      Samaritans: 116 123 (free from any phone) or

·      The Mix: The Mix - Essential support for under 25s

·      ChatHealth: 07312263084


Out of Hours

·       Please contact your GP or 111

·       If you are in immediate danger dial 999 and ask for the appropriate emergency service

·       Emergency Contraception advice: Emergency Contraception | OXME.INFO